October 2019 archive of Pastors Page

October 2019 archive of Pastors Page

Pastor's Page 2019-11-03

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/28/19

Dear Parishioners:

TODAY IS the Annual Winter Bazaar (All Day Saturday, Nov. 2 and Sunday after Masses on Nov. 3).  Please stop by the Community Room before and after Mass to visit and purchase something for a good cause (All proceeds are for Share and Care Ministry) to help ... Read More »

Pastor's Corner 2019-10-27

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/21/19

Dear Parishioners: Last Sunday's Gospel focused on the necessity of prayer (Luke 18:1-8). The second of two parables in Chapter 18:9-15, teaches that the fundamental attitude of the Christian disciple must be the recognition of sinfulness and complete dependence on God's graciousness.

One of Luke's favorite themes, the reversal ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2019-10-20

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/14/19

Dear Parishioners: Luke depicts Jesus at prayer right from the beginning of his Gospel. Prayer becomes one of the ways by which we follow Jesus.  Luke insists on the importance of prayer for the Christian life.  We must pray unceasingly, for prayer is a sign of our faith in ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2019-10-13

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/07/19

Dear Parishioners: Today’s readings are about remembering, thanksgiving, healing and salvation. In the reading from the Old Testament, Naaman the Syrian remembers to thank Elisha for his cure.  Naaman, the foreigner, is not a member of the Chosen People.  That God’s mercy is to be extended to all the ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2019-10-06

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/01/19

Dear Parishioners: October is the month of Respect for Life, as a people of faith, we value the “gift of Life – from conception to natural death” and we continue joining with our Church to pray for this gift of Life and the “Freedom to choose Life” and “Religious ... Read More »


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