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Pastor's Page 2019-10-20

Dear Parishioners:

  • Luke depicts Jesus at prayer right from the beginning of his Gospel. Prayer becomes one of the ways by which we follow Jesus.  Luke insists on the importance of prayer for the Christian life.  We must pray unceasingly, for prayer is a sign of our faith in God.   Prayer is not something that we use to put pressure on God to get our own way.  

Authentic prayer opens us up to the action of God’s Spirit, bringing us in line with God’s desires, and making us into true disciples, obedient to Jesus and to the Father who has sent him.

Both parables in Luke 18 present prayer as continual and persistent, hurling its petitions against long periods of silence.  Prayer means asking and seeking, knocking and waiting, boundless trust and patience.  Those who pray sometimes become frustrated and angry that their supplications are not heard.  Yet, life in the Christian community is possible only through a life of prayer.  The surprising thing about prayer is that its first effect is in us.  Our own minds and hearts are shaped by prayer as we seek opportunities to translate that prayer into practice, the truest test of its authenticity.

Luke tells us that Jesus sometimes prayed all night.  Of his praying on the night of his arrest, Luke writes: “and being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down upon the ground(Lk 22:44). 

  • The World Mission Sunday Collection in the Archdiocese of Seattle includes a combination of five pontifical and USCCB (United States Catholic Conference of Bishops) national collections: Society for the Propagation of the Faith; Catholic Near East Welfare Association; Church in Latin America; Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe; Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa.

Let us pray especially at this Mass for all people who long to hear the hope-filled, saving message of Jesus, and for the priests, religious and lay catechists in mission countries worldwide who offer them that “Good News”.  Please be generous in your giving to the World Mission Sunday collection in this weekend.

  • A “Big Word of THANK” to the Legion of Mary, Knights of Columbus, St. Anthony Guilds, ethnic communities of Filipinos’ and Guamanians’ and many parishioners from our parish and the parishioners from the surrounding areas of Kitsap County, who have come to honor our Blessed Mother Mary in this special “Living RosarySaturday October 19.

May the “month of the Rosary” continue to help us to pray always (pray without ceasing and persistence in prayer) as the Lord Jesus commanded.

  • Counting down in two weeks, The Annual Holiday Bazaar (All Day Friday, Nov. 1; All Day Saturday, Nov.2 and after Masses on Sunday, Nov. 3). Please stop by the Community Room before and after Mass to visit and purchase something for a good cause (All proceeds are for Share and Care Ministry) to help the needy and the unfortunate of our faith community and the larger community of Port Orchard. 
  • Among the many themes of celebration in the month of October is the “Respect for Life”; I’d like to bring your attention to this focus by considering to attend the “Cornerstone Catholic Conference” - The Bishops of Washington State are sponsoring this conference covering Life, Justice and Peace, Oct. 18-20 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. Be inspired by the Gospel call to care for all who are unborn, poor, or dying! For more information please visit this website cornerstonecatholic.com

Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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