Welcome to Our Family!

Steward Giving


Everything is a gift

It is on this premise the foundation of stewardship is built. Our life, our property, our health, our talents, our money — these are all gifts from God.  A "way of life" recognized by our faith means that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God.  A "way of life" that says "Yes" to what God has entrusted to you. 

This is why we are called to gratefully receive gifts, develop them responsibly, and share them with others. Doing so is a response to God's generosity and an expression of our discipleship. 

What is stewardship?

When it comes to Stewardship, God is more interested in our hearts. 

Stewardship is the response of a disciple that is rooted in gratitude for all of God's blessings. It cultivates our prayer life, our life of service and how we share our finances. Thankfulness is a feeling, but true gratitude is an action. It's the action of giving freely and living out that gratitude daily by recognizing how blessed we are daily. 

The goal of stewardship is to be a more vibrant witness out in the world. Stewardship should engage and energize all Catholics for service — starting with the family and extending to the wider world.

Sterwardship is NOT just one act of giving or even a group of giving actions, rather, as mentioned above - Stewardship Is A Way of Life

How Do I Share My Gifts? - Parish Stewardship

First off take some time to review where the Lord has blessed you, Then in prayer, share your gratitude and ask Him to help you discern how you can best share back those gifts to your family, to our parish, to our local community, and beyond.

  • Time: Give Back by sharing your time and volunteering to serve in a liturgical ministry for Mass or by joining a group of other parishioners in various prayer, service, and outreach ministries.
    • Click HERE to explore our Groups
    • Click HERE to explore Liturgical Opportunities
    • Call the Parish Office for more information or to join a group or ministry.
  • Talent: What talent has God bestowed on you that you have cultivated over the years and can share with the church when its needed? 
    • Are you a Doctor or a Nurse - Let us know so may find you at Mass in the event of an emergency
    • Are you a good organizer - Help the Church sort goods, supplies, and various other items to free up space or create a more stress-free environment.
    • What do you do for a living? - Can any of the skills you employ at work be useful for the church at times
    • Let Us Know - We may have something you can help us out with.
  • Treasure: Make and commit to a pledge of weekly, monthly, or annual tithing to the local church and or to the diocese.
    • You may give an online - This is the preferred method.
      • Visit our Giving Page HERE to set up a one-time or recurring gift.
    • You may give at church using the generic stewardship envelopes found in the pews.
    • You may request to be provided personalized stewardship envelopes to bring to church (Free)
      • Call the Parish Office to Request Envelopes