Welcome to Our Family!

Liturgy Ministry - Altar Servers

90swp8mzexpo767fm70clbkbvxl.jpgAltar Server Ministry

Being an Altar Server is not a requirement of every young person in the parish when they reach a certain grade, nor should it be the requirement of a family member. Altar Servers like all ministers serve God and their parish from the heart. It is something they want to do. Altar Serving is a commitment of both the server and his or her parents.

Altar Servers assist the priest with various roles throughout the mass. They are visible to the
entire assembly. Altar Servers should never be the center of attention or a distraction during any mass or rite of the church.


  • Registered Member in the Parish Family
  • Fully initiated Roman Catholic (Baptized and First Eucharist)
  • Altar Servers must be in at least the 4th grade or have prior permission. (We also encourage families to consider this ministry).
  • The Archdiocese of Seattle and St. Nicholas Parish allow both boys and girls to be altar servers. No distinction is made between boys and girls, so the term Altar Server is used for those assisting the Priest at the altar during the mass.
  • Participating Catholic (attends Mass every Sunday & makes regular Confession) with a prayerful devotion to the Liturgy and the Eucharist


For more information about the Altar Server ministry please contact the parish office at 360-876-2762, or email Mark McKibben, Director of Liturgy for Parish Family 52 at markmck@stnicholascc.org .

Your information will be given to the Altar Server Coordinator, who will contact you and set up a training date.