Coming Soon!
What does St Gabriel and Prince of Peace to ensure the safety of our children and vulnerable adults?
SEP - Safe. Environment. Program
Training - For all employees and volunteers who deal with children or vulnerable adults
Background Checks for all employees and volunteers who deal with children or vulnerable adults
A Safe Environment is EVERYONE's Responsibility.
St. Gabriel, as a parish within the Archdiocese of Seattle, follows all policies established by the Archdiocese of Seattle to ensure a safe environment for everyone who comes to our parish. If you would like to read more about the Archdiocese of Seattle safe environment policies, please visit their Safe Environment website.
Background Checks
Background checks are required of all church personnel (clergy, staff, volunteers) who work with children, youth and/or vulnerable adults. Background checks are conducted by the Archdiocese of Seattle and renewed every three years. Background checks are also required of any personnel with access to cash, checks or other financials. If you wish to begin ministries in any of the above areas, please print out a background check form and turn it in to the parish office. Background check forms are also available at the parish religious education office.
Safe Environment Training Requirements