Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:
This Saturday morning, December 19, Archbishop Paul D. Eitenne ordained 21 men to the permanent diaconate at St. James Cathedral in Seattle. This class has been in formation since August 2016. Through the sacrament of holy orders, deacons share in a special way in Christ’s ministry of service in participating – of the liturgy, of the word, and of charity to the people of god – in the words of the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium. Please see the Northwest Catholic Magazine sent to you home from the Archdiocese for more information of these newly ordained permanent Deacons.
- The Advent Season is coming to a final preparation in this coming week with the fourth candle is lid on the Advent Wreath. Along with the Church Scripture focuses on the history of the “birth of Jesus” starting on December 17, the celebration of Simbang Gabi (a Filipino’s tradition) and the Las Posada (a Hispanic’s tradition), are signs indicating that the preparation time is almost over, so that, the fruit of this Advent Season can be visibly seen, individually in the life of each Christian and collectively in the community.
The Gospel story of the Annunciation presents Mary, the great heroine of the Christmas stories -- Mary of Nazareth -- the willing link between humanity and God. She is the “model” disciple who introduces us to the goodness and humanity of God. She received and welcomed God's word in the fullest sense, not knowing how the story would finally end. She did not always understand that word throughout Jesus' life but she trusted and constantly recaptured the initial response she had given the angel and literally "kept it alive", "tossed it around", "pondered it" in her heart (Luke 2:19).
The "problem" of Mary of Nazareth began when she entertained a strange, heavenly visitor named Gabriel. The young woman of Nazareth was greatly troubled as she discovered that she would bear a son who would be “Savior and Son of the Most High”.
Mary of Nazareth accepted her "problem" and resolved it through her obedience, fidelity, trust, hope and quiet joy. At that first moment in Nazareth, she could not foresee the brutal ending of the story of this child within her. Only on a hillside in Calvary, years later, would she experience the full responsibility of her "yes" that forever changed the history of humanity.
“The word becomes flesh"… …
- Do we know how to listen to God's Word?
- Do we meditate upon it and live it each day?
- Do we put that word into action in our daily lives?
- Are we faithful, hopeful, loving, and inviting in our discourse and living?
What powerful words to be said about Christians -- that their words become flesh!
In the Peace of Christ,
Fr. Phuong Hoang