Dear Parishioners:
- A Chrism Mass, where the Archbishop gather representatives from all parts of the Archdiocese to prepare for the TRIDUUM (three great days – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday - or the combined of the Great Day before Easter) and also to bless the three different Holy Oils (Oil of Catechumen, Chrism Oil and Oil of the Sick) and then, distributing for all the parishes to use as part of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation) and Anointing of the Sick.
Since, this celebration couldn’t happen at the appropriate time last April because of the Coronavirus and the dispense of public Mass, the Archbishop has rescheduled for this particular livestreams Mass on this coming Thursday, June 11 at 2:00 PM. Since, it’s still a limited number of attendances, the 10 Deans - represent the whole Archdiocese will be with the Archbishop to celebrate this special Mass. You are welcome to join in this special Mass through the Archdiocese website.
Happy the Feast of “Corpus Christi – The Body and Blood of Christ”
- Eucharist is not a theological concept but is a living person, and his name is Jesus. Our Eucharistic liturgy proclaims the one bond of life between God and his people. Just as blood that flows outward from the heart and unites all the bodily members in one flow of life, so too are we united intimately with God through the precious body and blood of Jesus. The very nature of the Eucharist implies a bond with God and with the community.
This Feast Day reminds us of the “source of nourishment” that we receive from the Lord everyday or at least once a week in our gathering to celebrate Eucharist and yet, for almost 3 months the majority of us, Catholics, have not able to gather celebrate and receive our Lord physically. Therefore, we are eagerly anticipating and preparing for this limited gathering public Mass soon.
What a truly “special gift” that we have in Jesus Christ who offers us the opportunity to share in “His Divine Life” and to be formed into “His Body”. May each of us set aside a special moment on this Feast Day or this coming week to give thanks and acknowledge this special moment to be in the presence of our Lord.
- Mindful of forming the Body of Christ here as a Parish Community of St. Gabriel, we also connect with our own local Church, the Archdiocese of Seattle, in our common Ministries to the faithful and larger community. The Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign we are undertaking is part of this support of 60 different ministries in Archdiocese.
- “A deep word of thanks” to the many families who have pledged and turned in your commitment envelopes to the Parish and Archdiocesan Office to support the Annual Catholic Appeal 2020 again this year. We’ll be closer to our parish goal with your help today; your continue supports are as the critical testimony of the commitment for us to be “Church” today in our time. If you didn’t have an opportunity of filling your commitment envelope yet, please join with many of your parishioners to pledge toward our parish goal. Please see the bulletin to see how close we are to meet our parish personal goal.
Archbishop Paul Etienne Ordained Fr. Thomas Tran in a live-stream Mass at St. James Cathedral yesterday at 10:00 AM. Perhaps, many of you did have an opportunity to participate in this live-streamed Ordination Mass for the first time in our Archdiocese history. Please pray for more priestly vocation for the people of God in our Archdiocese. Newly ordained, Fr. Thomas Tran, will be assigned as Parochial Vicar (Assistant) to St. Martin of Tours in Fife and All Saints in Puyallup.
May God blessing you and all your families abundantly,
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang