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Pastor's Page 2023-01-08

Dear Parishioners:


---In this New Year 2023, like St. Paul, I give “thanks” to God in gratitude for the many
blessings that God has bestowed upon our parish community as I reflect on this past year
2022. May WE, as a community, respond to our gracious God in words and actions the
Faith that we have received and with the full knowledge of the Mystery of the
Incarnation “Emmanuel – God’s with us” in continue making known God’s presence
and love through our lives and make a difference in our world.

---Just as Christmas (the “Nativity/Birth of Jesus” was the revelation of God to people of
Faith Tradition (Mary, Joseph, “Elizabeth-Mary’s relative” … etc.) and to the simple-
minded and open-hearted for God’s, the shepherds came to know and see the “the
Messiah – Anointed One of God – Jesus Christ” when they hurried to Bethlehem and saw
what was told to them by the Angels.

The Church celebrates the “Feast of Epiphany – to show forth” the presence of God to
ALL who are willing and open to seek and discern God in their lives. This is
traditionally represented through the “Journey of the Magi” that came from afar to search
and encounter the presence of God in this “new born King” who was made known in the

As we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany and look at the manger scene, we see three
wise men arriving. We see three kings who were willing to sacrifice of themselves in
order to find a new born King. They were willing to sacrifice so greatly, because they
believed in the greatness of the One they were searching for. Each of the wise men was
willing to give up his riches in order to find an even greater treasure. May we imitate
them in our own search for God whom we acknowledge and recognize in this Christmas

A long-standing tradition in our Church is to announce the important the Church’s
Liturgical celebrations in the new year on the Feast of Epiphany; today, the new yearly
calendar takes over this announcement. For 2023, please note that Ash Wednesday will
be on February 22 and Easter will be on April 9.

---Wishing you and all your families a very Blessed and Happy New Year 2023 and
Epiphany; May the Lord continues to bless you, your families and our world in this
coming New Year.

*****On this joyous occasion, I’d to thank: Ministry to both parishes St. Gabriel and
Prince of Peace: Deacon John Ricciardi and Fr. Ronald Belisle.
Ministry to the Hispanic community at Prince of Peace Parish in Belfair: Fr. Patrick
McDermott, Fr. Ron Belisle and Deacon Romeo for their generosity of time, dedication
and continuing ministry with our two parishes through this past year. May Christ Jesus
gifts of joy and peace will be yours continuing throughout this Holy Season and every
day of your life.

Finally, I’d like also to say a word of “Thank” to our parish Staff, members of the
Councils, Commissions, Committees, Groups, all the Volunteers and all parishioners
who have offered their Time, Talents and Treasures to help build up St. Gabriel Parish
Community as a visible sign of God’s presence and actions in our world today.
“Emmanuel – God is with us” – is indeed here with us; may we fully recognize and
receive Him into our lives.

Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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