Dear Parishioners:
---The Advent Season is coming to a final preparation in this week with the fourth
candle is lid on the Advent Wreath as the celebration of Simbang Gabi (a Filipino’s
tradition) and the Las Posadas (a Hispanic’s tradition) continue to indicating that the
preparation time is almost over, so that, the fruit of this Advent Season can be visibly
seen, individually in the life of each Christian and collectively in the community.
On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, we listen attentively to the words of the prophet
Isaiah, to the dream of Joseph and the promise of the eternal God who takes flesh in the
womb of the Virgin. The birth of Jesus into human history was the true fulfilment of the
hopes and longings, dreams and desires of the people of ancient Israel.
In Matthew Gospel we have the evocative word “Emmanuel” – “God is with us.” God’s
promise of deliverance to Judah in Isaiah’s time is seen by Matthew as fulfilled in the
birth of Jesus, in whom God is with his people.
In the name “Emmanuel,” we find the answer to humanity’s deepest longings for God
throughout the ages. Emmanuel is both a prayer and plea (on our behalf) and a promise
and declaration on God’s part. When we pronounce the word, we are really praying and
pleading: “God, be with us!” And when God speaks it, our Creator of the world is
telling us: “I am with you” in this New Born. The little Lord Jesus asleep in the manger
of Bethlehem is “God with us” because he is God.
---We have begun and continue the Virtual Pilgrimage … and DON’T FORGET
TO SUBMIT YOUR “Physical and Spiritual Miles” on every Friday. The goal is to
travel from our Home Mother Church of Cathedral of St. James, Seattle to the
Basilica, Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C., beginning on the
First Sunday of Advent November 27, 2022 to Pentecost Sunday May 27, 2023. It’s not
too late to sign up and invite a friend to journey with YOU and your family on this
Virtual Pilgrimage. Please pick-up an instruction sheet at the entrances to sign up or find
in the electronic version in the parish website. May you continue to have an inspired
Pilgrimage with family and friends.
Please check the bulletin weekly. Here are a few examples:
---Please take home an Advent Blue Book to help you in this on-going richness
reflection of this Preparation that lead us to celebrate the Christmas Season soon.
---Extra Individual Reconciliation: Tuesday, Dec 20 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM;
Wednesday, Dec. 21 from 6:00 – 7:00 PM and Friday, Dec. 23 from 12:00 – 1:00 PM.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:
--Saturday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): 6:30 PM and 10:00 PM
--Sunday, December 25 (Christmas Day): 9:30 AM
---The Calendar Year is coming to the end soon. I’d like to take this opportunity “to
thank” for your participation in many different ministries and volunteer opportunities in
our parish community. Especially, I’d like to thank for your Stewardship of Time,
Talent and Treasure in the year of 2022. Please be aware that “all tax-deductible
contribution” to the parish has to be done in the last week of December up to December
31 to be included for 2022.
May our Advent preparation truly lead us to Christ who is our Hope and Joy.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang