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Pastor's Page 2022-11-20

Dear Parishioners:

… Happy Thanksgiving Day 2022…

---Looking back in this Liturgical Year and the effects which it had in our lives, there is
so much for us to give “Thanks to God” for the many blessings that we have received.
There will be a “Thanksgiving Day Mass” – Thursday, November 24 at 9:00 AM to
give thanks to God for the many Blessings we have received through our country, faith
community and family. I’d also ask you to bring an item from your family Thanksgiving’s
meal to be blessed at our Mass. May the Blessing from the Thanksgiving Mass will
continue to be a reality in your family as you share this special day with them.

A word of thanks, to many of our parishioners who gave out of the goodness of their
hearts through “We are Thankful for you!” list that you received entering our church so
that, our parish was able to give to the needy and the poor throughout the year and
especially as we celebrate this Thanksgiving Day. May God reward you abundantly for
your generosity and love for the people of God and our parish community.

---Today’s solemn feast of Christ the King, the grand finale to liturgical year, gives us
an opportunity to discover how Jesus Christ can be a true king, unlike earthly rulers.
Today’s Gospel (23:35-43) is recounted only by Luke. The penitent sinner receives
salvation through the crucified Jesus. Luke’s moving scene of the crucifixion is filled
with details typical of his portrayal of Jesus. He is crucified in the presence of two
criminals, fulfilling Jesus’ own prediction at the supper table.

Kingship, when God is involved, does not ask people to ignore failures, but embraces
and redeems them. Throughout salvation history, God’s promise to the people was a king
who was righteous, deals wisely, executes justice and righteousness in the land, and
enables the people to live in security. In Jesus, God has fulfilled that promise.
Jesus’ Kingdom is unlike the one that Pilate knows and of which is willingly or
unwillingly a part. The Roman kingdom was one of privileges, domination, vengeance,
vindictiveness, and occupation. Jesus’ kingdom is built on love, service, justice,
reconciliation, and peace.

As we contemplate Christ crucified, we understand something of why Christ has
remained a king, even up to modern times: Jesus didn’t bow down. Jesus never
responded to violence with more violence. Jesus forgave until the end.

---Also, in the month of November, all the parishes in our Archdiocese of Seattle are
conducting the annual tradition of Christian Stewardship. Let me first say a “big word
of THANKS” to all of you who had generously given to our parish this past year through
the gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure. Through your gifts, our parish community was
able to fund the ministries and other needs. Once again, in order to plan well for the
upcoming year, we ask that you return to the parish the “Stewardship of Treasure
Card” in the collection basket or mail it back to the parish office as we anticipate another
“successful year” in providing the needs and ministries in our parish community.

Don’t forget to take home a Parish Synodal Report with links to the “Archdiocesan
Summary Report” and the “United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Region XXII
Report”. The Regional Report will be incorporated to the overall “U.S.C.C.B Report”,
which is the official U.S. Report at the Synodal of Bishops Meeting with the Pope in
2023. A big word of THANK to parishioners who helped to lead and participate in this
Synodal Listening Process.

---A special tradition throughout the month of November is that, our parish will
remember and pray for all our deceased members at Mass, especially those names that
have been written on the parish prayer book and from the All Souls’ envelopes received
from parishioners. Please join us in the daily Mass or at the weekend Mass in these

Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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