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Pastor's Page 2022-10-22


Dear Parishioners:


---As a result of Hurricane Ian’s havoc – first across Cuba and the Dominican Republic and then the southeast U.S. starting in Florida – lives have been lost and many Church properties, along with homes and businesses, have been severely damaged or destroyed.

Catholic Relief Services and its local partners are responding with food, water, and sanitation assistance, and will eventually assist with the repair and rebuilding of homes. 


To respond as a unified Church, Archbishop Itienne suggest that each parish will take up a voluntary special collection for the humanitarian, long-term recovery, and significant Church needs arising from these calamitiesThis special collection will be taken on this weekend of October 22 & 23Please be generous.


---Last Sunday's Gospel focused on the necessity of prayer (Luke 18:1-8). The second of two parables in Chapter 18:9-15, teaches that the fundamental attitude of the Christian disciple must be the recognition of sinfulness and complete dependence on God's graciousness.


One of Luke's favorite themes, the reversal brought about by the coming of Jesus, is beautifully illustrated in today's Gospel.  The story of the Pharisee and the tax collector is directed to a particular kind of people: those who were law-abiding in their own eyes but who looked down on everyone else.  The Pharisee, a member of the group of the so-called righteous, prayed "with himself," and the whole prayer he gives is focused on himself and his good works.  He is a legend unto himself, shining in his own eyes, especially as he compares himself to the tax collector, the one who belonged to the despised group in society. 


On the other hand, the only thing, the tax collector knew was that it was only possible to admit his guilt when he came and brought it before God.  That God would forgive him, he didn't dare to hope.  And it was only in this way that he was able to experience Jesus' word to him: "You are good because I have accepted you." 


The provocative story warns us of our own behavior in prayer, word and deed.  This parable was a shock to its first hearers.  If anyone in Judaism would not go home from the temple justified, it would be a tax collector.


---Counting down in ONE weeks, The Annual Holiday Bazaar at our Parish (All Day Friday, Nov. 4; All Day Saturday, Nov.5 and after Masses on Sunday, Nov. 6).  Please stop by the Community Room before and after Mass to visit and purchase something for a good cause (All proceeds are for Share and Care Ministry) to help the needy and the unfortunate of our faith community and the larger community of Port Orchard.  


---October is the month of Respect for Life, as a people of faith, we value the “gift of

Lifefrom conception to natural death” and we continue joining with our Church to pray for this gift of Life and the “Freedom to choose Life” and “Religious Freedom” with a Novena (9 days) in this effort.    


---October is also the Month of the Rosary – The Feast of Our Lady of Rosary.  There are opportunities to pray the Rosary before each Mass on the weekend; come early before Mass and join with other parishioners to pray this beautiful traditional prayer for Life and Peace.


Christ’s Peace,

Fr. Phuong Hoang


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