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Pastor's Page 2022-09-04

Dear Parishioners:

…Back To School Prayer…


---Lord, God … We pray that as a new School Year is set to begin that each child finds some form of joy as they come to school each day and that they become passionate about something in the world that you have created. It could be science, art, music, math, reading - anything that You have inspired in these eager’s minds. We just pray that each child is provided an environment that promotes and fosters a joyful and passionate outlook for each student. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


…Happy Labor Day Weekend 2022…


---This is a “unique day” to reflect and appreciate the “fruits of labor” from all different areas of the workforce contributing to our everyday life. What an amazing realization of how we are connected together as a society and as a global community. “With a blessing to have a job” and a day of rest on this Labor Day this year – September 5th, we give thanks to our God. Let’s also be mindful of those who have lost their jobs and those who are struggling to find a job at this time.


Labor Day weekend is also a transitions

time from a “Summer schedule” to a “full school schedule” and in addition to many of our parish programs to start up as well. Please, take notice in the weekly bulletin for detail information on these parish programs.


--- Today’s Gospel passage of Luke 14:25-33, contains a collection of sayings that are peculiar to Luke. Luke has Jesus speak about the demands of discipleship. He gathers three sayings and two parables.


Both parables highlight the need to use wisdom in assessing the cost of discipleship. Both the tower builder and the warring king must calculate the costs and study the risks before making a final decision. The disciple must know that following Christ requires an allegiance that will always be the highest priority. To accept the person of Christ is to accept his Cross as well.


Also, the first reading from the Book of Wisdom 9:13-18, as Christians we need not oppose human progress nor reject comforts and pleasures. The believer must assess these within the delicate balance of wisdom and life. Today’s first reading challenges us: does our happiness come from the mere acquisition of possessions or from sharing and interacting with God and neighbor?


---If you ever been asked to share or explain your faith… and hesitate of how to start …!!! Come and join with “other inquirers” to learn, share and refresh the gift of our Catholic faith. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult) Team is ready to begin preparing for the people who God call and through the help of all the parishioners of our parish community to recommend for exploring or renewing or deepening in the Catholic

Faith. Please talk to the RCIA Team Members or, please check the bulletin in regard to any Religious Programs or call the Faith Formation Office for more information.


---Welcome back everyone! We’re gathering back again after a long summer and begin anew for the “School Year and a Liturgical Year” as a community of faith here at Prince of Peace Parish. Please check the bulletin for information in regard to the opening of different programs in our parish community.


Christ’s Peace,

Fr. Phuong Hoang


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