Dear Parishioners:
---Today’s first reading from the book of Sirach in chapter 3, speaks about authentic humility giving a true estimation of self (3:7-19). Through it, a person performs one’s duty and avoids what is beyond one/s strength and understanding (3:20-22). Pride, however, begets false greatness, misjudgment, stubbornness and perdition (3:23-27).
Today’s banquet scene (Lk 14:1; 7-14), found only in Luke Gospel, provides the opportunity for Jesus’ teachings on humility and presents a setting to display Luke’s interest in Jesus’ attitude toward the rich and the poor. For Judaism, for Jesus, and for the Early Church, table fellowship was laden with very important religious, social, and economic meanings. Luke 14:1 sets the stage for verses 7-11. Jesus is at dinner in the home of a Pharisee and, while there, observes the social behavior of both the guests and their host. Jesus’ attention to and observation of everyday activity provided him not only insights into the true character of his listeners, but also opportunities to reveal the way of life in the Kingdom of God.
Those who lift themselves up over others will be brought down. Those who regard themselves as among the “lowly” – as human as anyone else – will be raised up. Raising up and exaltation belong to God; recognition of one’s lowliness is the proper stance for human beings. The act of humbling oneself is not an end for its own sake, but for the sake either of God or of Christ.
---The RCIA Team is hard at work – prepare for the men and women who are exploring the Catholic Faith in this coming year. If you ever been asked to share or explain your faith and hesitate of how to start …!!! Come and join with “other inquirers” to learn, share and refresh the gift of our Catholic faith. Please talk to the RCIA Team Members. Please check the bulletin in regard to any Religious Program or call the Religious Office for more information.
---Check with the Faith Formation Office and the bulletin for registration for First Holy Communion and information on Confirmation.
The Religious Education Department are continuing to recruit volunteers for the coming year's programs: Children's Liturgy of the Word, high school and middle school youth group, and others. Happy to see old and new faces commit to a year of catechetical ministry with us. Do you want to help but do not have a sufficient background, check with the Faith Formation Office? There is a Catechetical Certification Program will be help here at St. Gabriel for your preparation; so far, four people already signed up to do our catechetical certification course.
---The “reunion of the Holy Land Pilgrimage group 2012” from our two sister’s parishes – St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace - was a success. This gathering was an event to reconnect and sharing of their faith journey with one another and any others who are interested in this once in a lifetime story. There were a lot of laughs, happiness but also remembering of the four members who, since, had passed to see the New and Eternal Jerusalem with the Lord.
Our parish community also welcome these opportunities – “Home Comings … Reunions …” to help people gather back efforts as a small groups or organization or collective as a faith community in this coming year.
---While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – Prince of Peace and St. Gabriel. Have a wonderful week with Jesus -The True Treasure of our lives.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoan