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Pastor's Page 2022-08-14

Dear Parishioners:


---The Scripture readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time invite us to consider the implications of our commitments, our lifestyles, and our relationships with others.


In the 1st reading from Jeremiah, the biblical prophet is called to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. Jesus will experience the prophet’s fate.


In the 2nd reading from the letter to the Hebrews, we learn once again that Jesus had himself to endure the Cross before receiving the glory of his triumph. Reflection on his sufferings gives us the courage to continue the struggle, if necessary even to the shedding of our blood. We must regard our own sufferings as the affectionate correction of the Lord, who loves us as a father loves his children.


In Gospel of Luke, Jesus reminds the crowd that those who commit to him will find that it affects the way they relate to friends and family members. A serious commitment to Jesus forces us to change the way we live our lives, and this can put strains on our relationships. It is good to be reminded once in a while that the decision to do the right thing, the good thing, and the best thing, is not always easy or without conflict. Jesus himself did not make easy decisions or avoid conflict. Jesus reminds his followers to be prepared for difficult decisions and conflict as well.


---The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Body and Soul into Heaven – will NOT be a HOLIDAY OBLIGATION THIS YEAR 2022, since it falls on Monday. This Feast reminds us of the special privilege and reward of our Blessed Mother faithfulness to God in her life. May her son, Jesus’ gift of the “Living Bread”, help us also to be one day with him and our Blessed Mother, as we also open to receive and remain faithful to Him.


---It’s not too late to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal this year 2022. If you did not have a chance to participate, you will receive a follow up mailing from the parish for this purpose; please see the reporting in the bulletin.


“Thank You” for many families who continue to support our parish in the Annual Catholic Appeal this year; please join with your fellow parishioners to support the ACA by returning your completed envelop. Any amount, small or large, will help our parish goal and most especially, to help upgrade our parish audio and technology upgrade this year.


---The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adult) Team, formerly RCIA, is getting together in a good summer day to begin preparing for the upcoming path for the people who God call and through the help of all the parishioners of our parish community to recommend for exploring or renewing or deepening in the Catholic Faith.


If you ever been asked to share or explain your faith and hesitate of how to start …!!! Consider come and join with “other inquirers” to learn, share and refresh the gift of our Catholic faith. Please check the bulletin or call the Religious Office for more information.


---Check with the Faith Formation Office and the bulletin for upcoming registration for First Holy Communion and information on Confirmation.


---While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – Prince of Peace and St. Gabriel. Have a wonderful week with Jesus - The True Treasure of our lives.


Christ’s Peace,

Fr. Phuong Hoan


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