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Pastor's Page 2022-05-15

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:

The Archdiocese of Seattle joyfully announces the ordination to the transitional diaconate of John Paul Tomassi and Sylvester Chanda.  All are welcome to join these men at their home parishes to help celebrate their Mass of Ordination:

  • John Paul Tomassi will be ordained on Saturday, May 21, at 10:00 AM at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Vancouver, WA.

  • Sylvester Chanda will be ordained on Saturday, June 4, at 10:00 AM at St. Benedict Catholic Church in Seattle.

John Paul and Sylvester are being ordained to the transitional diaconate, which means they are in formation to become priests for the Archdiocese of Seattle.  For more information on priesthood in the Archdiocese of Seattle go to www.seattlevocations.com

In light of today’s second reading from the book of Revelation (21:1-5) - the Holy City of Jerusalem and its important place in Christian spirituality.  Jerusalem is the City of God, God's sanctuary, the place where every believer– Jew, Christian or Muslim has heard the Word of God, and because of that, wishes to adore God.  This religious necessity is also an essential part of the human, individual and collective identity: it consists of persons and a people.  The religious memory is also a national memory for the Jew and the Muslim in particular.  For Christians, Jerusalem was and remains the Mother Church, the birthplace of the first Christian community.

Why is Jerusalem such an important city?  What does Jerusalem mean for me?  What aspects of Judaism and Islam have enlightened me and helped me with my own faith?  How do I envision the future of Jerusalem?

How do I envision the future of Jerusalem?  What religious symbols and metaphors nurture my vision of this holy city?  Does my religious imagination lead me to a vision of peace and justice or does it engender feelings of hatred, exclusion and violence?

Thank you for many families who have turned in your ACA pledges, please join with your fellow parishioners who have participated in the Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign 2022.  The Annual Catholic Appeal supports over 60 different ministries in the Archdiocese.  Individually we cannot respond to all the legitimate needs of the people of God in the Archdiocese; but TOGETHER, we will be able to accomplish the need for all people of God.  It’s a MISSION POSSIBLE with your help.  Please see in this bulletin for an update of our parish goal.

Congratulation to all the children who have received Eucharist – “encountered the Risen Christ in the Sacrament of Eucharistat the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, May 8

A word of thanks to all the catechists, classroom volunteers, parents and Religious Education Staff who have shared their faith to these children and help them to continue to be opened to receive the Eucharistic nourishment from the Lord.

May the Joy and Blessing of the Easter Season continue to help us actively involve in the Ministry of Jesus in our Church’s today.


Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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