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Pastor's Page 2021-12-19

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:  

This is a combined bulletin for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 19) and Christmas Day (December 25).

  • In the Fourth Week of Advent Season, the scene of Mary's visitation to Elizabeth (1:39-45).  The two pregnant women of today's Advent gospel, Mary and Elizabeth, recognized in each other signs from God. 

The story of the Visitation teaches us an important lesson: When Christ is growing inside of us, we will be led to people, places and situations that we never dreamed of. We will bear words of consolation and hope that are not our own. In the very act of consoling others, we will be consoled. We will be at peace, recollected, because we know that however insignificant our life and issues seem to be, from them Christ is forming himself.

The women of today's Gospel show us that it is possible to move beyond our own little, personal agendas and engage in authentic ministry and service in the Church. Ministry and service are not simply doing things for others. Authentic Christian ministers and servants allow themselves to serve and be served, taught, cared for, consoled and loved. Such moments liberate us and enable us to sing Magnificat along the journey, and celebrate the great things that God does for us and His people.

  • Along with the regular Scripture readings of this Third Advent week, let’s also reflect with people of our local Church, the Archdiocese of Seattle, in preparing for a meaningful Season of Grace in the “Knowing Jesus Christ, Embracing His Mission”.  Read through these four pages to get an overview and focus on steps 3, 4 and 5 (this week, particularly focus on the 4th question of each of the 3 categories) for intentional reflection for these 4 weeks of Advent and try to live it out in this Holy Season of Advent & Christmas and this coming New Year 2022.



Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:

Friday, December 24 (Christmas Eve):    6:30 PM & 10:00 PM

Saturday, December 25 (Christmas Day):            10:00 AM 

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth, Peace to people of good will”

  • This is a special hymn prayer that we finally can sing out to truly give praise and thanksgiving to our God who has bridged Heaven and Earth in Jesus Christ who is the awaited Messiah, the “Prince of Peace” and the “Savior of the world”.  The greatest gift from God in this Christmas Day is meant for each and every one of us to receive Him into our lives and make Him known to our world.  May we return to Him the “gift of our Faith” which will continue to be shown through our words and actions!
  • On this joyous occasion, I’d to thank: Ministry to both parishes St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace:  Deacon John Ricciardi; Fr. Ronald Belisle; Ministry to the Hispanic community at Prince of Peace Parish in Belfair:  Fr. Patrick McDermott, Fr. Ronald Belisle and Deacon Romeo for their generosity of time, dedication and continuing ministry with our two parishes through this past year.  May Christ Jesus gifts of joy and peace will be yours continuing throughout this Holy Season and every day of your life.

Finally, I’d like also to say a word of “Thank” to our parish Staff, members of the Councils, Commissions, Committees, Groups, all the Volunteers and all parishioners who have offered their Time, Talents and Treasures to help build up St. Gabriel Parish Community as a visible sign of God’s presence and actions in our world today.  “Emmanuel – God is with us” – is indeed here with us; may we fully recognize and receive Him into our lives.

  • Individual Reconciliation:  
    • Tuesday, Dec. 21  12 – 1 PM and
    • Wednesday, Dec. 22  6:30 – 7:30 PM.
  • The Calendar Year is coming to the end soon.  I’d like to take this opportunity “to thank” for your participation in many different ministries and volunteer opportunities in our parish community.  Especially, I’d like to thank for your Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure in the year of 2021.  Please be aware that “all tax-deductible contributions” to the parish has to be done in the last week of December up to December 31 to be included for 2021.


Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang







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