Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:
… Happy Thanksgiving Day 2021…
- Looking back in this Liturgical Year and the effects which it had in our lives, there is so much for us to give “Thanks to God” for the many blessings that we have received.
There will be a “Thanksgiving Day Mass” – Thursday, November 25 at 9:00 AM (will be coordinated by the Youth Ministry) to give thanks to God for the many Blessings we have received through our country, faith community and family. I’d also ask you to bring an item from your family Thanksgiving’s meal to be blessed at our Mass. May the Blessing from the Thanksgiving Mass will continue to be a reality in your family as you share this special day with them.
In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to THANK all of you, St. Gabriel’s parishioners, for your generosity in making it possible for our parish community to help 25 families celebrating thanksgiving. Turkeys, traditional food and other necessities for family were given and delivered last Saturday, November 20. Again, a special word to THANK to the Thanksgiving Committee members, along with parish staff who organized Thanksgiving Baskets and others, adult and youth parishioners who spent many days for this project.
- Also, in the month of November, all the parishes in our Archdiocese of Seattle are conducting the annual tradition of Christian Stewardship. Let me first say a “big word of THANKS” to all of you who had generously given to our parish this past year. Please read the material in regard to “Stewardship of Treasure” that you have received in the mail from the parish and make a pledge to the parish in returning the Stewardship Card in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Thank you for your renewal financial commitment in support our parish.
- This week is the 34th Week in Ordinary Time (the last week of our Liturgical Year). What a powerful image of God’s presence as the Church celebrates this last week of the Liturgical Year with the feast of “Christ the King – Universal and our Lives”, who is leading and guiding us through the end with hope. Next weekend, the Church will lead us to a “new Church Year” with the beginning of Advent Season.
The Gospel reading from John takes us to the heart of the drama being enacted before the Roman governor, Jesus will reign, but he assures Pilate that his kingdom – ‘not of this world’ – is not in competition with the earthly powers Pilate represents. Jesus will establish God’s reign, not by power and violence, but by bringing his ‘truth’ to the world, the truth that is one of the principal themes of John’s gospel. The Kingdom announced and inaugurated by Jesus is a renewed creation, ruled by the ways of God - shaping all things, liberating them and leading them to their fullness.
- An opportunity in this last week of the month of November for our parish community to remember and pray for all our deceased members at Mass, especially those names that have been written on the parish prayer book at the main entrance. Please join us in the daily Mass or at the weekend Mass in these celebrations. It’s not too late to send in the All Souls’ envelop with the names of your loved ones who have passed away and wanting our parish to pray for them.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang