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Pastor's Page 2021-11-14

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:

  • “A big word of Thanks” to all who have involved in the “Share and Care Ministry” all the volunteers who have worked tirelessly in this year “Winter Bazaar” in assure of a successful event. Thank you for bring all people in our parish together in this effort to be “Christ-like” in helping others.  All proceeds from this “Winter Bazaar” will go to “Share and Care Ministry” to help the poor and needy in our parish community, South Kitsap County and other related ministry’s needs.
  • Today's Gospel is taken from the most difficult chapter of Mark's Gospel and is often interpreted as announcing the end of the world (Mark 13:24-32). When we take the chapter as a whole, Jesus' prediction of the destruction of the temple (Mark 13:2) provoked questions that the four disciples put to him in private regarding the time and the sign when all these things are about to come to an end (Mark 13:3-4).

Jesus' words in today’s Gospel deal with two realities: Jesus himself will fulfill the Old Testament Scripture texts about the end and the disciples are not to worry about the precise time of Jesus' second coming.

Mark’s Gospel teaches us that all who follow Jesus will be put to the test. They will be tested by great affliction.  They will be tested by the ordinary routines of daily existence. Whatever the form of the tests we face, Mark tells us that we must remain vigilant and pray, for if we have divided minds and hearts, we will fail the tests and so be unprepared to greet the master and be vindicated before him when he comes.

What are the great events that shake us in our world today?      How are we being put to the test daily?

Are experiences of rejection, or suffering, death or loss, deprivation and emptiness leading us to give up the Word of life that we once received with joy?

Are our concerns about money, success at work or in school, health, release from addiction, job security, status and recognition, family or relationships choking out the word of God which has been planted in our hearts?

Are we gripped by passions such as anger, grief or lust, which block us from following Jesus?  Is there any joy left in our life?

Let us never lose sight of the bigger picture of salvation history as we face the setbacks, losses and tragedies of daily life. As Christians, we are to be firmly established in the Word of God, to draw life from that Word and live in that Word.  It is then that we realize the Prophet Daniel’s words (12:1-3) in our daily life: “The wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.”

  • A special tradition throughout the month of November is that, our parish will remember and pray for all our deceased members at Mass, especially those names that have been written on the parish prayer book. Please join us in the daily Mass or at the weekend Mass in these celebrations.  It’s not too late to send in the All Souls’ envelop with the names of your loved ones who have passed away and wanting our parish to pray for them. 
  • In the month of November, all the parishes in our Archdiocese of Seattle are conducting the annual tradition of Christian Stewardship. Let me first say a “big word of THANKS” to all of you who had generously given to our parish this past year, even in this difficult time of Coronavirus.  These gifts confirmed this reality in term of the gifts of Treasure, Time and Talents available for our parish Ministries.

Let’s be mindful of what Christian Stewardship is all about:

God give it ALL and then call us to SHARE”.  Everything we have and everything we are, indeed are gifts from God.  So, Stewardship is the ability to share our gifts of life – Time, Talent and Treasure – with others; with no strings attached and no conditions.  We share these gifts out of our love for God and gratitude to God.

Therefore, Christian StewardshipReceives God’s gifts gratefully; Cherishes and tends our gifts in a responsible manner; Shares them in love with others; and Returns them with increase to the Lord.

Please read the material in regard to “Stewardship of Treasure” that you receive in the mail and make a pledge to the parish in returning the Stewardship Card in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office.  Thank you for your renew financial commitment in support our parish. 

  • At the main entrance, there is a Prayer Book – Labeled For the Deceased that you could write in the names of your loved ones whom you want our parish community to pray for them in this month of November. Also, it’s not too late to send in the All Souls’ envelops with the names of your loved ones who have passed away and wanting our parish to pray for them. 


Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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