Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:
- Congratulation Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg. The 8th Bishop of the Diocese of Reno – Nevada on Friday, September 24, 2021. A number of parishioners were on a bus to his Ordination of Episcopacy at St. James Cathedral in Seattle 4 years ago. We give thanks to our God and Bishop Mueggenborg for his ministry here in our local Church and our prayers are with him as he will lead the Diocese of Reno. Please pray that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, will sent us another auxiliary Bishop to our Archdiocese at some point in the near future.
- Scripture readings for this weekend, particularly the Reading from Genesis and the Gospel of Mark indicating the “Sign of God’s Love” through the Sacrament of Marriage.
Catholic married couples are sacramental, through the Sacrament of Matrimony; they are an outward sign of God's love for the world. God so loved the world that God poured out God’s love in the men and women, so that married couples would take the lead in showing broken, bruised humanity how much God loves them; therefore, a married couple is called to be a great “sign of God's love”. One marriage rich in God's love or one ministry of great love for all God’s people can greatly build up the Church.
- October is the Month of the Rosary. There are opportunities to pray the Rosary before each Mass on the weekend; come early before Mass and join with other parishioners to pray this beautiful traditional prayer for Life and Peace. Also, remember to pray the Rosary with your family for Life and Peace in the World throughout this month of October.
- A special word of “welcome back” to many of our children as we begin our yearly religious education - in the Elementary Level - excitingly coming to their religious education class both on Wednesday and Sunday sessions; also, our Confirmation Youth will be meeting on Sunday as well.
- **For Adults who are interested in learning and becoming Catholics, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult (C.I.A.) class has just started two weeks ago and will be meeting every Tuesday at 6:30 -8:30 PM in the Community Room. There are new members exploring the Catholic Faith both from St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace, and returning members from last year to complete their journey of Initiation Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and a very committed and competent R.C.I.A Team Members to lead.
If you know of anyone among your friends or in your family or maybe yourself want to explore the Catholic Faith or deepening your own faith in willing to be sponsor to accompany someone in their journey of Faith, please come and join our R.C.I.A. classes on every Tuesday.
- Some of the Bible Classes have started or will be soon. It’s not too late at all to join these educational opportunities as we continue growing in our own faith.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang