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Pastor's Page 2021-09-19

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:

What a Summer we had!!! … Believe it or not, Wednesday, September 22 is already the beginning of the Autumn Season.  Like a changing of a season, the parish’s life is also changing to a fuller schedule of different activities, even in the midst of Covid-19 protocols. 

  • Religious Education registration is in full bloom this last few weeks of September, please remember to register your children and youth members for continue learning and developing as they advance in age and wisdom in their Faith Life.

We are excited to announce that we will be starting these classes the first full week of October.

    • Children in their first or second years of 1stReconciliation and 1st Holy Communion preparation can attend classes on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30, or on Wednesday evenings from 4:45-5:45.  Please see Faith Formation Parish Website for registration information.
    • Confirmation preparation classes are every other Sunday evening, beginning October 3rdfrom 6:30pm-8:30pm. Confirmation prep typically begins in the 7th grade (or at age 12).  Please see the Faith Formation in the Parish Website for registration information.
    • For Adults who are interested in learning and becoming Catholics, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult (C.I.A.) class will be meeting in a few weeks. Please call the Parish Office for more information.
  • Also, different kind of Ministries to the people of God at St. Gabriel Parish Community need new members as well. Please look into your heart in prayer and ask … How God’s calling you to grow this year and respond to a ministry that’s meaningful and challenging for you at this time.  Please call the Parish Office for more information.
  • Today's Gospel passage (Mark 9:30-37) is the second of the Passion predictions of Jesus in Mark's Gospel. Jesus' announcement of his passion and death leaves the disciples without words.  In the meantime, they argue who was the most important among them. We find the same pattern as in last week's Gospel -- the prediction, misunderstanding, and instruction on the nature of discipleship.

The whole notion of greatness is redefined for the disciples.  New categories are established for determining success and failure, winning and losing, achievement and unfulfillment.  At this point Jesus introduces the child into their midst.  It is not the child's innocence, trustfulness or playfulness that is highlighted here, but the child's lowly status, as one always under the authority of another and without rights.  Jesus forges a new system of relationships: welcome the little child in my name and you welcome me; welcome me and you are welcoming no less than God himself.  A communion of hospitality is established between the little child, Jesus, and God.

  • Please be generous to The Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection to be taken at all the Masses this weekend September 18 & 19. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development allocates fund to community projects to support the efforts of low-income people seeking to change the social, political and economic conditions that perpetuate poverty. 

Catholic Campaign for Human Development - Working on the Margins

    • LEARN about those living in poverty. • ACT and spread the word about poverty by passing along this flier. • CONNECT with the work of CCHD by supporting the collection. • PRAY for those who benefit from this collection.
  • Our Filipino’s community will celebrate the Feasts of St. Lorenzo Ruiz and St. Pedro Calungsod …. at the 6:30 PM Mass. Also, Next Wednesday September 29, we will celebrate our Parish Feast Day, St. Gabriel along with the Chamorro’s community who, also, celebrates Archangels Michael and Rafael.

Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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