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Pastor's Page 2021-08-29

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:


COVID-19 UPDATE … With a significant increase of COVID exposures, the Archdiocesan Covid-19 taskforce has recommended that all indoor activities, including Eucharist Celebration (MASS), for wearing mask.  Masking remain the potent way of screening of particles in the air, keep us from touching our mouths and noses and keeping surfaces in our spaces cleaner.  We must provide a safe environment for everyone to return to in-person Mass safely.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

  • In the midst of this difficult time, our two parishes – Gabriel and Prince of Peace – have good news to share with you as we prepare to get ready for a year in Catechetical Programs. The Faith Formation Department has two new members to be introduce at this weekend.

Director of Faith Formation:  Michael Zosel

Faith Formation Assistant:  Annie Kudrna

Please Welcome Michael and Annie to our parishes.  The Faith Formation Department will be completed at some point as we’re still looking for a Youth Minister.

  • The Year of Mark’s Gospel (7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23) is back to our Sunday Reading again this weekend after 5 weeks of reflection on chapter 6 of John’s Gospel – The discourse of the Bread of Life, offers us a good opportunity to understand the role of the Pharisees in Judaism, and why Jesus and others had such strong feelings against their behavior. Who were the Pharisees of Jesus' time, and who are their modern-day contemporaries?

At the time of Jesus, the Pharisees were the "conservative party" within Judaism.  They adhered strictly to the Torah and were outwardly very moral people.  They were the leaders of the majority of the Jews and were revered by their followers for their religious zeal and dedication.  Their main opposition was the party of the Sadducees, who were the "liberal party" within Judaism.  The Sadducees were popular among the high-class minority. 

Against the Pharisees' narrow, legalistic, and external practices; Jesus' point is well taken -- and most Pharisees would have agreed -- that internal attitude is more important than the externals of the law.  Because of what God has done in Jesus Christ, the Father offers a new kind of life.  Having been made clean, we are now free to use our hands to serve others. We might even get them dirty in the process. God gives freedom from the law. God offers his grace.

In contrast to the modern-day Pharisees and their followers, true Christians are those who boast in Christ crucified and no other.  They know that their own efforts form absolutely no part of their acceptance before God. They rest in Christ alone as their only hope, knowing that it is the work of Christ by the grace of God that guarantees salvation.

  • After all Mass this weekend August 28 & 29, the Holiday Bazaar Committee will be selling hand-made items which they have been making in the last few weeks in regard to the newest sport team in our area, the National Hockey League - Seattle Karken. The full-blown Holiday Bazaar event will take place in the first part of November 2021.  Please, stop by after all Masses this weekend, to support this worthy cause for Share and Care Ministry.
  • While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – Gabriel and Prince of Peace.

Enjoy the rest of the Summer’s month with the Blessings of our Gracious God.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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