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Pastor's Page 2021-06-27

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:

  • A year ago, last weekend, our two parishes, St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace were officially approved by the Archdiocese for the first re-opening for Liturgical Celebrations – limited in-person daily Mass and weekend Masses after a period of just livestreamed Mass only. As you read this bulletin, we have very much come out of the most difficult time in this pandemic and begin a new revised procedure.  We will take a cautious approach just for a little bit longer to make sure everyone will be adjusted more completely at this time.  Please be patient, so that, our parish community will be a safe place for everyone.

… … Happy Fourth of July – Independent Day … … 
(Observed, this year on Monday, July 5)

  • On this 245th year of celebrating “Independent Day”, we give thanks to God for the many blessing that our nation has received. Once again, we join in one voice to ask God for continuing blessings for our nation and most especially for all people to live the ideals – “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness” according to God’s way as we share with one another and the whole world community.  May our individual family and our whole nation’s celebration help unite us together in a deeper appreciation for this special blessing Day. 
  • Thirteen Sunday In Ordinary Time is where we are at this time. Last week from the Gospel story, we witnessed Jesus' divine power at work on the forces of nature (Mk 4:37-41).  Today's Gospel stories reveal his power over disease and death (Mark 5:21-34).

In these powerful accounts, Jesus reminds us of the importance of FAITH.  Nothing is possible without faith.  On the way to Jairus' house (Mark 5), Jesus encounters interruptions, delays, and even obstacles along the road.  The people in the passage transfer their uncleanness to Jesus, and to each Jesus bestows the cleansing wholeness of God.

The very touching story of Jairus' daughter is "sandwiched" in the story about the hemorrhaging woman.  Jairus was an elected leader of the local synagogue. Some synagogue leaders had been pressured not to support Jesus, but Jairus had not caved into that pressure.  Jairus bowed before Jesus and uttered his anguished request for help: "My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay your hands on her that she may get well and live."  Jairus' gesture was a significant and daring act of respect and worship.

The story continues: "Jesus took the child by the hand, and said to her, 'Talitha koum,' which means, 'Little girl, I say to you, arise!' The girl arose immediately and walked around" (5:41-42).  

In so many of the healing stories, Jesus manifests the power to give people health, healing and even to bring the dead back to life.  

  • As the month of June comes to the end this coming week, the Church celebrates the Feast of the two great Apostles – Peter & Paul - Apostle Peter, to the Jews and Apostle Paul, to the Gentiles. Apostles Peter and Paul loved and had a message for the whole world as they witnessed and died in Rome.  This special feast day reminds us of our unity in our Church throughout the world.  There will be a special collection for the ministry of our Holy Father, Pope Francis; please use the envelop in the Church for this purpose.
  • “A word of thanks to the many families who have pledged and turned in your commitment envelopes to the Parish and Archdiocesan Office to support the Annual Catholic Appeal 2021 again this year. We’ll be closer to our parish goal with your help today; your continue supports are as the critical testimony of the commitment for us to be “Church” today in our time.  If you didn’t have an opportunity of filling your commitment envelope yet, please join with many of your parishioners to pledge toward our parish goal.  Please see the bulletin to see how close we are to meet our parish personal goal.

While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace. 

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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