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Pastor's Page 2021-06-13

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:

  • Last Friday was the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus which was the last of the important series of Feast Days after the Season of Easter: (Ascension, Pentecost, Holy Trinity, the Body and Blood of Christ and Sacred Heart of Jesus). Collectively, these Feast Days reminded us of the way that God continue to be present to us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the way that we live and witness through our Faith. 
  • Now, we are in the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, in Gospel reading, the story of today's parable of the sower (4:26-34) links two of Jesus' parables, featuring the image of a growing seed to speak of the kingdom of God.

In the first parable of “the seed growing of itself(4:26-29), Mark’s Gospel contrasts the relative inactivity of the farmer with the assurance of the harvest.  The sower need only do only one thing:  wait for the crop to mature and then reap the harvest.  The emphasis is on the power of the seed to grow of itself without human intervention.  Mysteriously, it produces blade and ear and full grain. Thus, the kingdom of God initiated by Jesus in proclaiming the word develops quietly yet powerfully until it is fully established by him at the final judgment.

The second parable is better known.  Jesus uses the mustard seed” to show the beginnings of the kingdom, exaggerating both the smallness of the mustard seed and the size of the mustard plant.  The mustard seed is really not the smallest seed and the plant is only bush, not a tall tree.  Jesus used this image to show that the kingdom will grow and flourish even though its beginnings seem very small and insignificant.

The growth of God's kingdom is the result of God's power, not ours.  Like the tiny mustard seed, the kingdom of God is something that grows from a tiny beginning.

The Lord uses the vivid image of the mustard seed to speak about our faith. When we have faith, the Lord will accomplish great things in us. Whenever and wherever we take ourselves and our efforts too seriously, seeking by our plans and programs to “bring forth the kingdom of God,” we will go away frustrated and sad.

  • Our St. Gabriel parish’s goal for the Annual Catholic Appeal 2021 is getting a little closer each week; please, see the reporting in the bulletin for update. “Thank You” for many families who continue to support our parishes in the Annual Catholic Appeal this year by turning in your envelops already”; please join with your fellow parishioners to support the ACA by returning your completed envelops.  Any amount, small or large, will help our parish goal.  There will be a “follow up” letter to be sent for those who have not had a chance to participate in this year campaign.
  • Great News … The fruit of the Annual Catholic Appeal in supporting Priesthood Vocation in our Archdiocese of Seattle:

Congratulation to newly Ordained Transitional Deacon John Depalma, who was ordained on Saturday, June 5 at St. Benedict Parish in Seattle by Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg.

Also, Congratulation to newly Ordained Transitional Deacon Chad Hill, who was ordained on Saturday June 10 at St. Charles Borromeo in Tacoma by Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg.

Transitional Deacon Ordinations - A transitional deacon is a seminary student in the process of becoming ordained a priest. They serve as a deacon for one year and are then ordained by the archbishop as a priest.

  • Coming up on Friday - July 2, 7:00 PM - seminarian Josh Nehnevaj – Our Lady of Lourdes, Vancouver – by Bishop Eusebio Elizondo. This event is closed to the public. All are invited to join the livestream at https://www.ollparish.org/

Priesthood Ordination

Saturday - June 26, 10:00 AM - The Archdiocese of Seattle joyfully announces the Ordination to the Priesthood of Deacons Michael Barbarossa, Val Park, and Kyle Poje

              At St. James Cathedral - Archbishop Paul Etienne

Although the Mass of Ordination will be closed to the public, we invite you to join us online on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo and Facebook pages:  https://vimeo.com/event/948757  or

May the Holy Spirit help us to discern and to choose and embrace the choice of Vocation in our lives.  I ask that you join our local Church of the Archdiocese of Seattle to pray for these upcoming transitional Deacons and promote Priestly Ministry in your family and our local community.

May the Joy of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to bless you and all your families abundantly.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang



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