Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:
- Starting Pentecost Weekend, May 22-23 - Holy Communion will return to the normal place in the Mass (after the Rite of Breaking of the Bread). At this time, we will only receive the “Body of Christ” as has been the case for over a year. Everyone will receive directions as to the new process of receiving the Sacrament and being able to return to your pew for prayer.
- HAPPY FEAST OF ASCENSION … … The angels' words to the "men of Galilee" in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord are painfully blunt and leave little room for misinterpretation: "Why do you stand here looking up at the skies? This Jesus who has been taken from you will return, just as you saw him go up to the heavens".
Jesus' disciples are given a last instruction: "Don't keep trying to stare into the future. Don't be overly concerned about which hour he will come back".
We must not stand idly staring up into the heavens and moaning about the past which we can do nothing. On the day of his Ascension, Jesus left the world one day in order to be available to all people throughout all time.
In Jesus, the future has already begun. For Jesus has been preparing his disciples not only for his Ascension to the Father in Heaven but also prepare them for the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost next weekend.
- Our local Church in the Archdiocese of Seattle and particularly from St. Gabriel Parish continue on the Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign for 2021 and to ensure “A future full of hope” in continue of Jesus’ ministry in our time and local Church.
Thank you for many families who have turned in your ACA pledges, please join with your fellow parishioners who have participated in the Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign 2021. I invite you to please consider in prayerful way, to make a gift to support the ACA this year. I’m convinced that with your help and support, together, we will fulfill our parish goal this year. I’m counting on each of you to join with me in supporting the common Ministries that we share together as a local Church of the Archdiocese of Seattle.
- Please remember to continue to pray for:
- “Neophytes – Newly Baptized”, Newly Catholics received through Full Communion with our Church on Easter Vigil April 3. Please continue to our parish newly Baptized and Received into the Church.
- The Newly Confirmed – Junior High and Seniors High and Adults – on last Saturday, April 17 at 6:30 PM by Bishop Daniel Muggenborg. Please continue to pray for our young newly Confirmed.
- Most, especially, “the children” from our parish community who are preparing for their First Holy Communion – an encounter of Christ in the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time in their lives. The small group of children from last week was:
6:30 PM Mass - Marion and Sofia Rojas
8:00 AM Mass - Michael Reid
11:00 AM Mass - Sergio Say, Emma Nixon
Please pray for these children by name as they will be formed in the Body of Christ with the whole Church. We’ll share the names of other children as they will receive their First Holy Communion.
- May the Joy and Blessing of the Easter Season continue to help us actively involve in the Ministry of Jesus in our Church’s today.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang