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Pastor's Page 2021-03-28

Dear St. Gabriel Parishioners:

PALM SUNDAY – The Passion of the Lord

  • Last year, Holy Week and Easter Masses were on livestream.  This year, even though, all counties in our State of Washington are in Phase 3; we still have limited in-person attendance at Mass because of Coronavirus protocols.  This will be a very special week for our parish community to celebrate these important liturgies which represent the very essence of our faith the Lord Jesus who had come to redeem and save all humankind.
  • When we remember the events of that first Holy Week - from the upper room to Gethsemane’s Garden, from Pilate's judgment seat to the Hill of Golgotha, from the cross to the empty tomb, Jesus turns our world and its value system upside down.  He teaches us that true authority is found in dedicated service and generosity to others; greatness is centered in humility; the just and loving will be exalted by God in God's time.

During the moving liturgies of Holy Week, we are given the special grace to carry on, with joy and in hope, despite rejection, humiliation and suffering. In this way, the Passion of Jesus becomes a reason for hope and a moment of grace for all us as we seek the reign of God in our own lives, however, lonely and painful that search may be.  Holy Week gives us the consolation and the conviction that we are not alone.

Inspired by the fruit of this Lenten Season, perhaps, planning to attend the Triduum.  We are still in the Covid-19 restriction of limited seating and social distancing, so, please registered online or call into the parish office if you need help to register.  Thank you for your understanding.


The concluding of Lenten Season on Wednesday will lead us to the shortest and yet, the most important of the “longest-day” of the Liturgical Day, the TRIDUUM (Latin for three days – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday).  Through the centuries, Christians have set these days aside – free of social engagements, entertainment, and (if possible) work.  It is a time of prayer, special fasting and expectation.

The Triduum is “all one piece”, one single celebration of the dying and rising of Christ (referred to as the PASCHAL MYSTERY).

==> Holy ThursdayApril 1 at 5:00 PM: The focus on this day is about Jesus institutes the Eucharist.  There will NOT be the “Foot Washing” this year.  The new “Holy Oils” which has been blessed by Archbishop Etienne at the Chrism Mass will be display in the Sanctuary

==> Good FridayApril 2 at 5:00 PM:  The “Commemoration of Jesus died on the Cross Service” and opportunity to “venerate the Cross” as we exit the Sanctuary after the Service.  Also, there will be opportunities for 3 different “Prayer Experiences” earlier in the early afternoon:  Liturgy of the Hours will be at Noon, Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be at 1 PM, Meditation of the Holy Rosary will be at 2 PM and Stations of the Cross will be at 3 PM

==> Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) – April 3 at 8:30PM:  This is a “special night” where the Church welcomes newly baptized Catholics.  This night begins with a ritual of blessing of the Fire and a solemn lighting of the Easter Candle as “Christ, the Light of the world”.  A special procession of carrying the “Light of Christ” and passing on this Light of Christ will take us into the Church.

==> Easter Sunday, April 4, Masses at St. Gabriel will be:  8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM.  All Liturgical Ministers, please check ahead with your family schedule for the Holy Week in order to help our parish with these special extra Liturgies.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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