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Pastor's Page 2020-11-29

Dear Parishioners:


  • The new Liturgical Year begins with the Advent Season in which the people of God recalled the “longing of the Messiah” coming as promised in the Scripture and for His coming again in our time. Today, the Church lights the first of four candles on the Advent wreath to reflect upon the great mystery, perhaps, you will want to light a candle as well in reflecting along with the Church and your own thoughts as we recalled this great event.

Advent does not change God.  Advent deepens our longing and anticipation that God will do what prophets and the anointed have promised.  We pray that God will yield to our need to see and feel the promise of salvation here and now.

During this time of longing and waiting for the Lord, we are invited to pray and to ponder the Word of God, but most of all, to become a reflection of the light of Christ, indeed of Christ himself.  Advent reminds us that we must be ready to meet the Lord at any and every moment of life.  Just like a security alarm wakes up a homeowner, Advent wakes up Christians who are in danger of sleeping through their lives.

    • For what or for whom are we waiting in life?
    • What virtues or gifts are we praying to receive this year?
    • Do we long for healing and reconciliation in broken relationships?
    • What meaning and understanding do we desire to have in the midst of our own darkness, sadness, and mystery?
    • How are we living out our baptismal promises?
    • What qualities of Jesus are we seeking in our own lives this Advent?

Many times, the things, qualities, gifts, or people we await give us great insights into who we really are.  Perhaps, tell me whom you are waiting for and I will tell you who you are!!!

Advent is a time for opening eyes, focusing views, paying attention, keeping perspective on God's presence in the world and in our own lives.

In the first reading, from the prophet Isaiah on the first Sunday of Advent, the Almighty God breathes hope back into the heart and soul of Israel and shapes Israel and events anew just as a potter shapes his pottery.

In the second Scripture reading, writing to his beloved community at Corinth, St. Paul looked forward to the "Day of the Lord", when the Lord Jesus will be revealed to rescue those whom He has called.  

In the Gospel for the first Sunday of Advent this year, Mark's depiction of the doorkeeper watching out for the Lord whenever he "suddenly" appears is an image of what we are expected to be doing all year long but especially during the season of Advent.

  • A special word of “Thank” to all the Church’s Environment Group and all parishioners who came to help transform our worship place to the Advent Season, the beginning of another Liturgical Year.
  • Ending the week of “Thanksgiving Day”, the spirit of “thanks” also extended to the Parish Team that worked on the Thanksgiving Baskets and many families who have donated food for on behalf of the parish, so other families in our parish and others were able to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Finally, a big word of THANKS, to many parish families who have renewed their support to the parish through the Stewardship support. 

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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