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Pastor's Page 2020-08-23

Dear Parishioners:



  • Last Saturday, August 15, the Feast of Assumption, in the Abbatial Mass and Blessing, presided by Archbishop Paul Etienne, Abbot Marion Qui-Thac Nguyen became the ninth Abbot of St. Martin Benedictine Community. Abbot Marion was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Seattle in 2004 before joining Saint Martin’s Abbey, making his first profession of monastic vows on August 15th, 2013.
  • Thank your for praying for all the priests in our Archdiocese this past week. Normally, we have our Annual Priests’ Days Gathering but like everything else these days, this event was cancelled because of Covid-19; instead, we were able to “gather virtually” to celebrate as a Presbyterate for two evenings. 

We were able to hear from Archbishop Etienne, prayed together and most especially, remembered Archbishop Alexander Brunett and other diocesan and religious priests who have served in our Archdiocese of Seattle and have died this past year on the first evening. 

The second evening was devoted to celebrate the Jubilarians’ who have ordained 25th, 50th, 60th and 65th years as priest.  Along with this joyful celebration was also to welcome those priests who have ordained elsewhere but are now serving here in our Archdiocese, formally belong to the Archdiocese (through the process of incardination) and the priests who are now moved into senior priest status.

  • Jesus gives Simon the name “Peter”, which literally means “rock”? Is Jesus suggesting that Simon is hard-headed, lifeless, dull, and good for little?   The Gospel accounts that feature Simon Peter show that, in terms of temperament and traits, he was hard-headed and occasionally dull of mind.  So why would Jesus appoint such a man to the key role within His Church on earth: the office of the Pope?

The answer has more to do with Peter’s office than his personality.  In other words, “Peteris a job description, as Jesus explains in the same sentence in which He names Peter.  Jesus tells Simon Peter: “…upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.”

Jesus’ description of Peter’s new job makes it clear how important it is, and how literally foundational.  Upon a single rock, Jesus wants to build His Church, and Simon Peter is the right man for the job.

The occupant of Peter’s chair is the Vicar of Christ not in bearing Christ’s power, but in teaching in the current day what Christ has already gifted to His Church.  Jesus didn’t ask Peter to be a star, but a rock; not brilliant, but solid; not popular, but the unwavering voice of Christ to His People.

  • Congratulation for the First Holy Communion Children at St. Gabriel this past week: Tuesday, August 18 – Angel Manginga, Margo Manginga, Victoria Say, Sofia Romero Gomez, Johanarocio Romero Gomez and Luciana Romero Gomez.  With this Sacrament, we know that the Lord Jesus is always with you.
  • Congratulation for the Newly Confirmed from St. Gabriel this past week: Tuesday, August 18Angel Manginga, Wednesday, August 19Ann Cabacungan, Tianna Flores, Regina Obnial, Jarren Santos, Phoebe Williams, Rubi Serrato, Davian Herrera, CJ Piccio, Rhosyl Suarez, Jhasmine Vidrio, Lanah Duque, Joephery Rafael, Jaykub Rafael, Alex Piccio and Nikka Suarez and on Friday, August 21Isabella Rosario.  Congratulation, with the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are fully initiated in the Catholic Faith.
  • If you ever been asked to share or explain your faith and hesitate of how to start …!!! Call the parish office to find out how to join with “other inquirers” to learn, share and refresh the gift of our Catholic faith
  • While we are closing on the end of Summer time and thinking about the Fall with preparation and uncertainty … at this time of Covid-19, I’d like to take this opportunity to thanks all of our parish Staff and the Liturgical MinistersGreeters, Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans, Acolytes, Church Environment Committee, Musicians, Cantors and Prayer Leaders … – who have served our parish Liturgical Functions throughout this difficult time since March of this year. We are looking forward with the guidance of the Archdiocese and our local government to prepare for the Fall and beyond with your help and the Blessing from the Lord and our patron St. Gabriel.
  • Just imagine … normally, next Sunday (the last Sunday in August) would have been our gathering to reconnect after a Summer activity with a “ALL parish picnic”, but it won’t be this year … We can only imagine!!! … !!!


Enjoy the rest of the Summer’s month with the Blessings of our Gracious God.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang



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