Dear Parishioners:
- From Exodus, chapter 19, the Lord’s self-revelation to Moses on the same mountain centuries earlier than Elijah in the first reading today, when He entrusted the Ten Commandments to him. The Lord did manifest Himself on that occasion through dramatic means: thunder and lightning, fire and a heavy cloud of smoke and the violent trembling of the whole mountain. This Sunday’s, the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, in the First Reading, the Lord chooses to manifest Himself to Elijah through a tiny, whispering sound rather than by more dramatic means. This lesson encourages us to be mindful of God’s presence amidst what is small, simple and seemingly insignificant. The radically different ways in which the Lord revealed Himself to Moses and Elijah offer complementary views of the Lord’s power in all things, great and small.
In today’s moving Gospel story from Matthew, the disciples, laboring against the turbulent sea, are saved by Jesus. Jesus’ power is expressed by his walking on the choppy waters. Jesus challenges Peter to also walk on the waters! Because of Peter’s fear and weak faith, he begins to sink. When Jesus stretches out his hand and catches Peter, he reminds his disciples and the Church in every generation of his constant care for us.
- On Saturday, August 15 - The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Body and Soul into Heaven – reminds us of the special privilege and reward of our Blessed Mother of her faithfulness to God in her life. May her son, Jesus’ gift of the “Living Bread”, help us also to be one day with him and our blessed Mother as we also open to receive and remain faithful to Him. There will be a “Parking Lot Rosary at the Marian Garden at St. Gabriel” at 1:00 PM in honor of this special Feast of Assumption.
- Due to the limited public Mass at this time, the Confirmation Class of St. Gabriel cannot be confirmed together, Archbishop has delegated to local pastors to confirm Candidates at their parishes at daily Masses as conveniently as possible with their families. Therefore, at St. Gabriel, the months of August and September are designated to accommodate the requests for Confirmation Candidates.
Please pray for the following Candidates who are scheduled to be Confirmed this coming week: Wednesday, August 12 – Caleb Shalley and Autumn Scheitlin; Thursday, August 14 – Pheobe Adriano, Kayalenn Borja and Ryland Brooks. Congratulation, with the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are fully initiated in the Catholic Faith.
- Also, “A word of thanks” to the many families who have pledged and turned in your commitment envelopes to the Parish and Archdiocesan Office to support the Annual Catholic Appeal 2020 again this year. It’s not too late to participate …. we’ll be closer to our parish goal with your help today; your continued supports are as the critical testimony of the commitment for us to be “Church” today in our time. If you didn’t have an opportunity of filling your commitment envelope yet, please join with many of your parishioners to pledge toward our parish goal. Please see the bulletin to see how close we are to meet our parish personal goal.
- While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – Gabriel and Prince of Peace.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang