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Pastor's Page 2020-07-19

Dear Parishioners:

**Congratulation Archbishop Paul Etienne on Receiving the Pallium**

  • The pallium, a special vestment worn around the shoulders by a metropolitan archbishop, represents the archbishop’s responsibility as a shepherd and is a sign of his communion with the Holy See. Each year, the pallia for new or newly-assigned archbishops are blessed by Pope Francis on June 29, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Since 2015, the ceremony of the imposition of the pallium has taken place in the archbishop’s own cathedral, rather than at St. Peter’s in Rome, so that the local Church can participate in this significant moment.

Last Thursday, July 16 at 2:00 PM, the Most Reverend Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, will confer the pallium on Archbishop Etienne at St. James Cathedral, the first time this ceremony has taken place in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

  • How time had flight by … It’s not been that long, but it’s Second Anniversary (this week) of the death of a very long-time parish staff – Judy Ricciardi, wife of Deacon John, who had worked at our parish, St. Gabriel, for a total of 31 years. Most of everyone in our parish had met and knew Judy and relied on her for many years. We, indeed, have missed her presence, dedication and many gifts not only at the parish office but many different ministries that Judy has involved and mastered for our parish community over these many years.

Again, our deepest condolences to Deacon John and all of this family on this second- anniversary of Judy’s death; we thank God for the gift of Judy’s life and ministry to God’s people here at St. Gabriel and continue to pray for her soul, her family and the seeds of ministry that she has started will continue to bear fruits in the future.

  • Welcome back to some more of our parishioners from St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace. Each weekend, there are more familiar faces able to register to attend limited public weekend Masses. Just as we’re delighted to come to worship our Lord in our parish’s Church, we are, also, happy to see other fellow parishioners as well.
  • Just a reminder, livestream Mass is still available for those parishioners in a vulnerable group who are not yet ready to attend limited public Mass, the new time of livestream Mass is at 4:30 PM on Saturday through the parish website or parish Facebook.
  • The Church celebrate this week, the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Like the “sower parable” from Matthew’s Gospel last week, who scatters seed even where there is little hope of fruitfulness; Jesus keeps open the lines of communication with those who have closed their hearts, their ears, and their eyes to his word. Once again in this week’s Gospel passage, images of growing trees, shrubs and plants provide us with powerful insights into the quiet and slow ways that God’s Kingdom grows among us and within us.

Today’s Gospel story is from Matthew. Central to today’s parable of the wheat and the weeds is the preciousness of the wheat. The landowner refuses to lose any of it in order to get rid of the weeds. The refusal of the householder to allow his slaves to separate the wheat from the weeds while they are still growing is a warning to the disciples not to attempt to anticipate the final judgment of God by a definitive exclusion of sinners from the Kingdom.

In its present stage it is composed of the good and the bad. Until then there must be patience and the preaching of repentance. We can learn much from God’s patience as we see God allow both the good and the evil to grow together.

  • “A word of thanks to the many families who have pledged and turned in your commitment envelopes to the Parish and Archdiocesan Office to support the Annual Catholic Appeal 2020 again this year. It’s not too late to participate …. we’ll be closer to our parish goal with your help today; your continue supports are as the critical testimony of the commitment for us to be “Church” today in our time. If you didn’t have an opportunity of filling your commitment envelope yet, please join with many of your parishioners to pledge toward our parish goal. Please see the bulletin to see how close we are to meet our parish personal goal.
  • While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – Gabriel and Prince of Peace. Also, consider, a special VIRTUAL Summer Bible School for your children THIS COMING WEEK; please check the bulletin for more details.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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