Dear Parishioners:
- We continue to reflect on prophet Isaiah 35:1-10 for this third Sunday of Advent, who announces the end of the Babylonian captivity, presenting a stirring vision of deliverance, freedom, and salvation. The prophet recalls the joyous memories of the exodus from Egypt. A second exodus is in store, symbolized by the healing granted to the blind, the dead, the lame, and the mute.
The way of Israel in the desert is the way for all of us. As we celebrate the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday or the day of rejoicing, we join with the exiles of Israel and the disciples of John the Baptist as we yearn for salvation, and long for new life to blossom. This week let us carve out some spiritual space in our lives where we can strip away the false things that cling to us and breathe new life into our dreams and begin again.
In the midst of the desert we hear what God will do if we open our hearts to him and allow him to make our own deserts bloom. What God does to the southern desert of Israel, God will do for us: transform our barrenness into life, and trace a highway and a holy way in places we believed to be lifeless and hopeless.
Are we on the Highway of Holiness?
Are we making progress on it?
Are we enjoying the travel?
Are we inviting others to join us on the way?
- We’re entering the 3rd week of Advent Season (Gaudete – Rejoice) – the Rose color candle will be lid on the Advent Wreath. May all of us have an opportunity to truly prepare for Christ’s coming in some practical ways: Set aside time to pray at home, coming to Church, take time to read and reflect on the Bible and perhaps, share the meaning of longing for the miracle of Christmas in your family and with others ….
Also, along with the Church Scripture focuses on the history of the “birth of Jesus” starting on December 17-24, the celebration of Simbang Gabi (a Filipino’s tradition) and the Los Posada (a Hispanic’s tradition).
Our parish participates in the Simbang Gabi Celebration (a Filipino tradition) on Saturday December 21 at 6:30 PM Mass. Accepting the “Parole – guiding light of a Star” to continue prepare and wait for the Lord’s coming through: Attending Mass, personal and communal prayer, work of charity …etc… May we continue to prepare and alert to recognize and receive Christ in this special Season.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:
- Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): 6:30 PM and 10:00 PM
- Wednesday, December 25 (Christmas Day): 10:00 AM
- Wednesday, January 1, 2020 – Feast of Mary, Mother of God: 9:00 AM
- The Calendar Year is coming to the end soon. I’d like to take this opportunity “to thank” for your participation in many different ministries and volunteer opportunities in our parish community. Especially, I’d like to thank for your Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure in the year of 2019. Please be aware that “all tax deductable contribution” to the parish has to be done in the last week of December up to December 31 to be included for 2019.
May our Advent preparation truly lead us to Christ who is our Hope and Joy.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang